Friday, March 26, 2010

Here's a favorite YouTube video by Zauron3ooo

Week Nine: Instant Messaging

I have used instant messaging on Facebook to talk to friends. It was extremely useful a couple summers ago when my oldest son was in Spain for 6 weeks and that was our primary means of communication. I don't see using it at school since most of our teachers are away from their desks so often, but I could certainly see it for reference work in a different library setting. I logged into Meebo with my Facebook account. I had not heard of Meebo but it certainly is a convenient way to be linked to people with different IM providers.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Week Eight: Cloud Computing

I should be on week eleven but I've had too many distractions and now I'm way behind. I did have a chance to work on a Google spreadsheet document with Shirley from USD 462 and Janie from our grade school, but it was already completed by the time I got around to opening it. I'm glad I set up a Google documents account, though. It looks like something I may find a use for in the future. We have used Wikispaces for group collaboration with the students before but I could also see them using Google documents.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Week Seven: Microblogging

Today I opened a Twitter account. I am following my two college sons, 23ThingsKs, Lybrarian from the 23ThingsKs twitter list, and Sarah Dessen. I sent out a tweet as well. It was easy to find people only if I knew their email address or their twitter name. I will give this a try, but don't really see myself getting too involved in it. I think if someone has something important to say they will say it through a different medium but it's important that I give this a try. I will look at adding others and sending out some more tweets. I think it would be fun to keep up with my boys, but they really don't use it to tweet as much as they use it to follow a sports guy.