Friday, January 22, 2010

Week Two - Online Communities

For week two I chose to use Facebook because I was already a member. I reviewed my privacy settings, friended a couple of people from the library community, updated my status, wrote on someone's wall, and became a fan of 23 Things Kansas. I spent more time on Facebook this week than I had the past 6 months. It's a great way to stay connected and discover the latest news.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Week One - Blogging

So, I finally created a blog. This is my first activity as a participant of 23 Things Kansas. I'm excited about learning new technology but a bit concerned about finding time! I'll be letting you know how it turns out.

I started with a blog on wordpress but it would not allow me to add a Shelfari widget. I wanted to build a favorites bookshelf for the visitors to my blog, so I started over with this blog. Hmm... I took a simple exercise and made it more difficult. Maybe that's why I'm always short on time!